22 Jul
  • By Heidi Merrin
  • Cause in

A trip of a lifetime for four of our lucky Employees

This year our 2023 Employee of the Quarter winners went to Barbados for a week of fun-filled activities.  

Each quarter Impulse Decisions staff can vote for their colleagues in our ‘Employee of the Quarter’ Award. This peer-led initiative allows team members to acknowledge and celebrate exceptional performance and success.  

The winners of the Employee of the Quarter awards each year have the chance to go on a once-in-a-lifetime trip. The trips are designed to offer colleagues experiences they might not otherwise have, foster connections outside the workplace, and celebrate their achievements. 

Our 2022 Employee of the Quarter winners went on a fun, action-packed ski trip to Les Arcs, France. This year three lucky winners went to Barbados in June!  


Barbados itinerary included  

Taste of Barbados full-day sightseeing tour 

Elegance catamaran cruise 

Spa day and Golf at Royal Westmoreland  

Harbour lights dinner show  

England V West Indies T20 World Cup 


At Impulse Decisions sharing successes and celebrating our colleagues’ achievements is a priority and something we put great emphasis on and employee awards are handed out in the company’s quarterly meetings.  

Dannielle Perks, Office Manager, said: “I am thrilled to recognise the exceptional efforts of our team members through our ‘Employee of the Quarter’ award. The trip is our way for colleagues to recognise the hard work and dedication that their fellow colleagues bring every day.  

“It not only rewards outstanding performance but also encourages a culture of excellence and motivation across the company. We believe that these experiences contribute to both personal and professional growth, making our team stronger and more cohesive. Congratulations to all our winners!” 


What the winners said about their Barbados trip  



Team bonding: I feel this trip has 100% brought us all together more. We had a week full of laughs and memories to last a lifetime. I think what made it more special for me is knowing I will never probably go away with these three amazing individuals again, so we all took this opportunity to create some memories. I feel more confident and comfortable around these people now and would consider them more as good friends as well as colleagues. 

Reflections on your experience: As you can tell by my above responses, I loved it! I am extremely grateful to be given the opportunity of a lifetime, without my colleagues acknowledging my hard work I would never have been able to have this experience.  

Impact of recognition: It really does make you want to work harder so you can have these experiences of a lifetime and I cannot express how grateful and appreciative I am of being able to have the opportunity to do the trip. It’s a great feeling to know your peers recognise your hard work. Thank you everyone.  



First impressions: My first impression of Barbados was that it was hot! It felt like stepping out of the plane into an oven. The beauty of the place stood out right away. The sea was crystal clear, and the white sandy beaches were amazing.  

Where you stayed: We stayed at the Royal Westmoreland Resort in Barbados, and it was amazing. The resort’s elegant villas are surrounded by lush gardens, a world-class golf course and surrounded by stunning views. 

Highlight of the trip: My highlight was the catamaran boat trip that we did on the Monday. It was such an incredible day (despite the sunburn). The snorkelling at both locations was great and I followed a group of sea turtles for about 10 mins which was very wholesome.  



Dining in Barbados: All the food we ate was absolutely fantastic, just to mention a few. Flying Fish, Rice and Peas, Macaroni Pie, Banks beers and last but not least RUM PUNCH! Be careful though, wow, the rum punches will get you!

Team bonding:  I feel much closer to the team I went with. Everyone was in great spirits, and there were no issues all week. People did whatever they wanted without any judgment. If someone fancied a dip, they took a dip. If they wanted a beer, they had a beer. If they felt like napping at two in the afternoon, they took a nap. We already got along well before the trip, but now we have a unique connection that can only come from an experience like that.

Highlights of the trip: Choosing the highlight of the trip was tough because the whole week was fantastic. A couple of my favourite moments were dancing with Jonny Bairstow and the Impulse team after cricket, playing golf at Royal Westmoreland, and relaxing on a catamaran on a Monday afternoon while everyone else was back at work.

Impact of recognition: Throughout the week, whenever people asked why we were there, I felt incredibly proud and honoured to say we were there as employees of the quarter. Saying it out loud brought a real sense of recognition and made me realise just how fortunate we are. I felt super lucky and it reinforced my desire to stay with this company for a long time.



First Impressions of Barbados: The most beautiful island, while areas seem rundown it never takes away from the natural beauty of this AMAZING island!

Reflections on your experience: It was an amazing experience that I feel very lucky to have been a part of. It’s a trip I won’t forget anytime soon—and I don’t plan on it.

Team bonding: I would definitely say that I feel closer to the others and have stronger connections following the trip, it was good to get to know people more away from the office and in a very relaxed environment.


We cant wait to recognise and celebrate our 2024/2025 Employee of the Quarters! Watch this space …….